Source code for

# This file is part of pycloudlib. See LICENSE file for license information.
"""AWS EC2 Cloud type."""
import botocore

from import BaseCloud
from pycloudlib.config import ConfigFile
from pycloudlib.ec2.instance import EC2Instance
from pycloudlib.ec2.util import _get_session, _tag_resource
from pycloudlib.ec2.vpc import VPC

[docs]class EC2(BaseCloud): """EC2 Cloud Class.""" _type = 'ec2'
[docs] def __init__( self, tag, timestamp_suffix=True, config_file: ConfigFile = None, *, access_key_id=None, secret_access_key=None, region=None ): """Initialize the connection to EC2. boto3 will read a users /home/$USER/.aws/* files if no arguments are provided here to find values. Args: tag: string used to name and tag resources with timestamp_suffix: bool set True to append a timestamp suffix to the tag config_file: path to pycloudlib configuration file access_key_id: user's access key ID secret_access_key: user's secret access key region: region to login to """ super().__init__(tag, timestamp_suffix, config_file) self._log.debug('logging into EC2') try: session = _get_session( access_key_id or self.config.get('access_key_id'), secret_access_key or self.config.get('secret_access_key'), region or self.config.get('region'), ) self.client = session.client('ec2') self.resource = session.resource('ec2') self.region = session.region_name except botocore.exceptions.NoRegionError as e: raise RuntimeError( 'Please configure default region in $HOME/.aws/config' ) from e except botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError as e: raise RuntimeError( 'Please configure ec2 credentials in $HOME/.aws/credentials' ) from e
[docs] def get_or_create_vpc(self, name, ipv4_cidr=''): """Create a or return matching VPC. This can be used instead of using the default VPC to create a custom VPC for usage. Args: name: name of the VPC ipv4_cidr: CIDR of IPV4 subnet Returns: VPC object """ # Check to see if current VPC exists vpcs = self.client.describe_vpcs( Filters=[{'Name': 'tag:Name', 'Values': [name]}] )['Vpcs'] if vpcs: return VPC.from_existing(self.resource, vpc_id=vpcs[0]['VpcId']) return VPC.create(self.resource, name=name, ipv4_cidr=ipv4_cidr)
[docs] def released_image(self, release, arch='amd64', root_store='ssd'): """Find the id of the latest released image for a particular release. Args: release: string, Ubuntu release to look for arch: string, architecture to use root_store: string, root store to use Returns: string, id of latest image """ self._log.debug('finding released Ubuntu image for %s', release) image = self._find_image(release, arch, root_store, daily=False) return image['id']
[docs] def daily_image(self, release, arch='amd64', root_store='ssd'): """Find the id of the latest daily image for a particular release. Args: release: string, Ubuntu release to look for arch: string, architecture to use root_store: string, root store to use Returns: string, id of latest image """ self._log.debug('finding daily Ubuntu image for %s', release) image = self._find_image(release, arch, root_store) return image['id']
[docs] def image_serial(self, image_id): """Find the image serial of a given EC2 image ID. Args: image_id: string, Ubuntu image id Returns: string, serial of latest image """ self._log.debug( 'finding image serial for EC2 Ubuntu image %s', image_id) filters = ['id=%s' % image_id] image_info = self._streams_query(filters, daily=True) if not image_info: image_info = self._streams_query(filters, daily=False) return image_info[0]['version_name']
[docs] def delete_image(self, image_id): """Delete an image. Args: image_id: string, id of the image to delete """ image = self.resource.Image(image_id) snapshot_id = image.block_device_mappings[0]['Ebs']['SnapshotId'] self._log.debug('removing custom ami %s', image_id) self.client.deregister_image(ImageId=image_id) self._log.debug('removing custom snapshot %s', snapshot_id) self.client.delete_snapshot(SnapshotId=snapshot_id)
[docs] def delete_key(self, name): """Delete an uploaded key. Args: name: The key name to delete. """ self._log.debug('deleting SSH key %s', name) self.client.delete_key_pair(KeyName=name)
[docs] def get_instance(self, instance_id): """Get an instance by id. Args: instance_id: Returns: An instance object to use to manipulate the instance further. """ instance = self.resource.Instance(instance_id) return EC2Instance(self.key_pair, self.client, instance)
[docs] def launch(self, image_id, instance_type='t2.micro', user_data=None, wait=True, vpc=None, **kwargs): """Launch instance on EC2. Args: image_id: string, AMI ID to use default: latest Ubuntu LTS instance_type: string, instance type to launch user_data: string, user-data to pass to instance wait: boolean, wait for instance to come up vpc: optional vpc object to create instance under kwargs: other named arguments to add to instance JSON Returns: EC2 Instance object """ args = { 'ImageId': image_id, 'InstanceType': instance_type, 'KeyName':, 'MaxCount': 1, 'MinCount': 1, 'TagSpecifications': [{ 'ResourceType': 'instance', 'Tags': [{'Key': 'Name', 'Value': self.tag}] }], } if user_data: args['UserData'] = user_data for key, value in kwargs.items(): args[key] = value if vpc: try: [subnet_id] = [ for s in vpc.vpc.subnets.all()] except ValueError as e: raise RuntimeError( "Too many subnets in vpc {}. pycloudlib does not support" " launching into VPCs with multiple subnets".format( ) from e args['SubnetId'] = subnet_id args['SecurityGroupIds'] = [ for sg in vpc.vpc.security_groups.all() ] self._log.debug('launching instance') instances = self.resource.create_instances(**args) instance = EC2Instance(self.key_pair, self.client, instances[0]) if wait: instance.wait() return instance
[docs] def list_keys(self): """List all ssh key pair names loaded on this EC2 region.""" keypair_names = [] for keypair in self.client.describe_key_pairs()["KeyPairs"]: keypair_names.append(keypair["KeyName"]) return keypair_names
[docs] def snapshot(self, instance, clean=True): """Snapshot an instance and generate an image from it. Args: instance: Instance to snapshot clean: run instance clean method before taking snapshot Returns: An image id """ if clean: instance.clean() instance.shutdown(wait=True) self._log.debug( 'creating custom ami from instance %s', ) response = self.client.create_image( Name='%s-%s' % (self.tag, instance.image_id),, ) image_ami_edited = response['ImageId'] image = self.resource.Image(image_ami_edited) self._wait_for_snapshot(image) _tag_resource(image, self.tag) instance.start(wait=True) return
[docs] def upload_key(self, public_key_path, private_key_path=None, name=None): """Use an existing already uploaded key. Args: public_key_path: path to the public key to upload private_key_path: path to the private key to upload name: name to reference key by """ self._log.debug('uploading SSH key %s', name) self.client.import_key_pair( KeyName=name, PublicKeyMaterial=self.key_pair.public_key_content ) self.use_key(public_key_path, private_key_path, name)
[docs] def use_key(self, public_key_path, private_key_path=None, name=None): """Use an existing already uploaded key. Args: public_key_path: path to the public key to upload private_key_path: path to the private key to upload name: name to reference key by """ if not name: name = self.tag super().use_key(public_key_path, private_key_path, name)
def _find_image(self, release, arch='amd64', root_store='ssd', daily=True): """Find the latest image for a given release. Args: release: string, Ubuntu release to look for arch: string, architecture to use root_store: string, root store to use Returns: list of dictionaries of images """ filters = [ 'arch=%s' % arch, 'endpoint=%s' % '' % self.region, 'region=%s' % self.region, 'release=%s' % release, 'root_store=%s' % root_store, 'virt=hvm', ] return self._streams_query(filters, daily)[0] def _wait_for_snapshot(self, image): """Wait for snapshot image to be created. Args: image: image boto3 object to wait to be available """ image.wait_until_exists() waiter = self.client.get_waiter('image_available') waiter.wait(ImageIds=[]) image.reload()